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Side Hustle Set Up Guide


Congratulations on letting your entrepreneurial side come out and play!

Quite a lot of businesses start out as a little side hustle.

My company, She's A Keeper, was one of them.

In my mid twenties, working a 9 to 5 corporate job, I needed a little outlet to show off my skills and earn extra money to fuel my travel addiction.

It wasn't until a few major life changing events happened (Mum losing her short battle with cancer, breaking up with a long term partner, being forced into lockdown -thanks Covid - all within a span of a few months), that I took the plunge and turned my little weekend job to a full time career.

It was very easy transition from side hustle to my new 9 to 5.


Because from the very beginning I treated She's A Keeper as a "real" business - not just a little side gig.

I had all my processes in place, business name registered, insurance sorted, accounting software already set up. All I really needed to do was bump up my advertising to gain new clients. Oh and sign the lease on a new office space!

I've created this guide and checklist for those of you just starting out. It will give you peace of mind that come tax time, you've got all your paperwork in order to keep your accountant and the ATO happy.

Plus everything mentioned in this guide, the team at She's A Keeper can help you with.

Reach out at or DM us on Facebook or Instagram.

Download the PDF and get started checking off the list !

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